Wednesday, December 2, 2015

New book explores Paris, San Bernadino false flags

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Published January 7th, 2016 - the first anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo false flag attack!

A critical examination of recent tragic events in the City of Light, and their historical context.

Featuring essays by Paul Craig Roberts, Alain Soral, Philip Giraldi, Stephen Lendman, Robert David Steele, Gilad Atzmon, Ken O'Keefe, James Petras, A.K. Dewdney, Imran Hosein, Zaid Hamid, Mujahid Kamran, Catherine Shakdam, Anthony Hall, Ajamu Baraka, Henry Makow, Nick Kollerstrom, Ole Dammegard, Eric Walberg, James Fetzer, Barry Kissin, Brandon Martinez, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei; edited and introduced by Kevin Barrett, with a cover by renowned political artists David Dees and Anthony Freda

Alex Jones discusses the book with Robert David Steele - 11:07 mark
Paul Craig Roberts discusses the book here.

Robert David Steele reviews the book here.

Publication announcement: "ANOTHER French False Flag published on Charlie Hebdo anniversary."

Bonnie Faulkner interviews Kevin Barrett about the book on Guns and Butter (Pacifica).

Press TV interviews Kevin Barrett on "Paris attacked twice in 2015 to stir up tensions between Islam and West"

James Tracy interviews Kevin Barrett on ANOTHER French False Flag.

Brandon Martinez discusses the book with Kevin Barrett

Gearoid O Colmain discusses the book and related issues

Kevin Barrett debates false flags with Gilad Atzmon and Eric Walberg, the two contributors who question the "False Flag Paradigm Shift"


  1. This is an important book, an impressive collection by a group of outstanding scholars and researchers. We too often forget the history of terrorism in Europe is a history of false attributions. This refreshingly honest examination of the facts is vital for anyone seeking to understand the world around us today.

  2. Just for the record, I withdrew my chapter from this book in mid-December, so no one should order it in the expectation that you will find a chapter by me. I am surprised to find a list of contributors that includes my name. Kevin should fix it.

  3. Having just seen the cover of this book over at Tendance Coatesy's website, and having a pathetic, crankish loser cousin for whom I can never find a good birthday present, I wanted to say: when's it out? Sounds just up his street!

    Keep up the pointless, delusional work; and congrats on the cover - tasteful stuff.
